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  • [Yogaworks] [Yoga DVD] Yoga works Learn Yin Yoga from Paul Grilley Yoga DVD / CORE 10_1 QQ

[Yogaworks] [Yoga DVD] Yoga works Learn Yin Yoga from Paul Grilley Yoga DVD / CORE 10_1 QQ

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Yogaworks [Yoga DVD] Yoga works YIN YOGA with PAUL GRILLEY / Yoga DVD Official Japanese Product

Learn Yin Yoga theory and practice in this 5.5 hour 2-disc DVD set.

Product Features

Yin yoga involves relaxing your muscles and continuing gentle poses for about five minutes, which promotes the flow of "chi" and blood flow and helps maintain healthy connective tissue. It is easy for beginners to adopt, and is also an ideal practice to supplement active yoga. The two-disc set is a lecture-style "Theory Edition" and "Practice Edition."
Supervised by Paul Grilli, Chairman of the Japan Yoga and Meditation Association


You can learn the basics of Yin Yoga. Perfect for yoga at home.

Unisex yoga goods, yoga DVD, learning, home yoga, yoga basics, Yin yoga, DVD, 2-disc set, 5.5 hours, practice, yoga, Pilates, method, diet, refreshment, brand, popular, stylish, recommended

[Yogaworks] [ヨガDVD] Yoga works ポール・グリリーに学ぶ陰ヨガ ヨガDVD / CORE 10_1 QQ-Puravida! プラヴィダ ヨガ ピラティス フィットネスショップ
[Yogaworks] [ヨガDVD] Yoga works ポール・グリリーに学ぶ陰ヨガ ヨガDVD / CORE 10_1 QQ-Puravida! プラヴィダ ヨガ ピラティス フィットネスショップ
[Yogaworks] [ヨガDVD] Yoga works ポール・グリリーに学ぶ陰ヨガ ヨガDVD / CORE 10_1 QQ-Puravida! プラヴィダ ヨガ ピラティス フィットネスショップ
[Yogaworks] [ヨガDVD] Yoga works ポール・グリリーに学ぶ陰ヨガ ヨガDVD / CORE 10_1 QQ-Puravida! プラヴィダ ヨガ ピラティス フィットネスショップ

Product Description

Product Features

Yin yoga involves holding gentle poses for about five minutes while keeping your muscles relaxed, which helps to promote the flow of energy and blood and helps maintain healthy connective tissue.
Easy for beginners to adopt and an ideal complement to active yoga practices
The two-disc set is a lecture-style "Theory" and "Practice" edition.
Supervised by Paul Grilli, Chairman of the Japan Yoga and Meditation Association

Paul Grilli

In 1979, he came across Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda and began studying yoga. While teaching yoga in Los Angeles, he studied anatomy at UCLA and also received yoga instruction from Paulie Zink. In 1989, he also studied under Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, and was influenced by books on philosophy and science.

Subtitle Supervision: Akira Watamoto

He is the head instructor of the Japan Yoga Meditation Association. After graduating from Kobe University, he studied various styles of yoga around the world. He currently teaches at Watamoto Yoga Studio, and is also involved in promoting yoga in the media and training instructors.

Size and Material

Theory: 125 minutes Practical: 213 minutes

Use & Care


Other product information

●It is prohibited by law to reproduce, broadcast, screen, distribute, or rent this disc (whether for a fee or free of charge) without permission.
●Please note that due to the condition of the original film, there may be some parts that are difficult to see or hear.
●DVD video is a disc that records video and audio at high density. Please play it on a DVD video compatible player.
●We do not guarantee operation with DVD-ROM players built into personal computers.
When watching, please keep the room well lit and stand as far away as possible from the TV screen.

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Learn Yin Yoga theory and practice in this 5.5 hour 2-disc DVD set.

Yin yoga involves relaxing your muscles and continuing gentle poses for about five minutes. It promotes the flow of "chi" and blood flow, helping to maintain healthy connective tissues. It is easy for beginners to adopt and is an ideal practice to supplement active yoga. The two-disc set consists of a lecture-style "Theory Edition" and a "Practice Edition" where you can practice Yin and Yang yoga. Both are narrated in Japanese by Akira Watamoto, president of the Japan Yoga Meditation Association. Paul Grilley's humor and generosity are expressed in gentle words that reach the hearts of listeners.